





⑴  全球最大单体建筑及最大室内海洋主题乐园(2013《财富论坛》)----“成都环球中心”。具有“从这里看世界,世界看这里”的美誉。

⑵  亚洲最大综合体花卉主题博物馆艺术景观包装----“七彩云南花之城”(昆明)。昆明是中国花卉之都,拥有植物之最的美誉。对“七彩云南花之城”酒店进行“花卉”主题的包装必须是精品中的精品要求,这是一项富有挑战性的工程,内在永恒的品质当然也是最基本的要求!

⑶  亚洲最高摩天轮所在地澳门新地标----“澳门新濠影汇城”。再一次证明我们设计研发团队的量身打造能力及各类专业指标实现。

⑷  中国最大的房地产商(至今开发全国600多个楼盘)----“恒大地产集团”唯一的战略合作伙伴。

⑸  世界顶尖主题文化乐园、在中国内陆落户的第一家----“上海迪士尼乐园”。我司在得到了迪士尼美方及澳大利亚设计专家及团队的认可后,成功于上海迪士尼建立合作,在国际上也奠定了关键一步。




⑴  现如今的海虹拥有规划、设计、研发、3D打印及3D雕刻、多媒体技术、传统雕刻、钢构造型、模具模型、直塑、GRP与GRC、仿真上色、真树产品、乔木仿真植物产品、草本仿真植物产品、包装、


⑵  客户在签订合同后,在规划设计环节可直接与设计师交流沟通以达到最优设计方案;在生产环节可到厂进行检验;发货前需客户检验通过;安装施工环节客户可随时到现场进行校对。此上所有环节均责任到人,同时也是对向客户的,这样从管理体制上保证了品牌品质。

⑶  我司在原料采购及供应商方面:我司原材料50%—80%采用进口材料,供应商也签订了品质保证书与定期交流会,以便更好地在产品配件达到主题仿真效果与产品品质的稳定性。

⑷  主题包装、艺术景观的核心是“场景还原”,所使用的手法是设计仿真还原度。我们的工程所达到的是:仿真效果更自然逼真,使用寿命更长久,适应各类环境。品质效果及工程实例与同行相比拥有明显的优势。



⑴  拥有从规划、设计到研发、产品配件生产到安装、施工整体的产业链环节。减少中间环节所产生加价、浪费、物流、仓储、管理等成本产生,为客户节约成本。

⑵  我司于2004年成立,创建伊始以“仿真植物产品”与“艺术配件”为基础发展至今的集团规模。在“仿真植物产品”与“艺术配件”已积累了丰富的生产经验与管理经验,这些经验带来的也是巨大的成本控制。能够将“仿真植物产品”与“艺术配件“生产成本控制在行业最低,给顾客提供最物美价廉的产品。

⑶  海虹在”主题包装“、”艺术景观“行业中已有多年经验,是行业中的“先锋部队”,在安装、制作、施工过程中相比同行处于领先地位,其科学合理团队管理框架下为客户节省更多的成本。

⑷  我司是实业大集团,拥有良好集采系统,设有专用的库房来大批量统一厂家采购或直接进口,这样有了量大价优的优势,进一步降低成本。

⑸  本集团于2013年在内陆地区湖南永州投资开设加工分厂,利用内陆的土地成本与劳动成本优势,更好地增强性价比和货期稳定优势。




Now haihong has been the leader in the landscaping field since we have an excellent & enthusiastic team of Planning and R & D . We handle the whole processes for most of the big attactions, theme parks, water parks, indoor or outdoor decotaion projects all over the world,as:

Natural scenery: Under the sea; lce world; Desert; Gobi ete..

Humanistic culture: Chinese culture and customs; World culture; Religion and mythology etc..

Archaeological history: lce Age; Jurassic dinosaur park; Restoration of ancient civilization ruins;

War theme etc..

Discovery of future: Cosmic Discoveries; Wonder World;

We not only produce the products with high quality in material, methods and maintaining, but also will use right light, voice together to catch a good and right scene to match every theme.

You can quantify the value of our R&D team under 5 typical international level projects.

(1)The biggest single constructional building in the world—“The 2013 Fortune Global Forum”“Chengdu Global Center”,to be honoured as“we can see the world from here, also the world watching here”.

(2)The largest complex of flowering landscape hotel (Colorful Yunnan:City of Flowers) in Kunming. Kunming is the flower city of China, motherland of plantsl It’s a challenge to meet the city’s standard of artificial plant, the eternal qualities are basic requirement .

(3)The new landmark of Macau with the tallest Ferris wheel in Asia -“Macau Studio City”. Once again to prove our perfect R&D team work, qualified outdoor UV resistant & fire retarded standard.

(4)The partnership with the largest property developer in China -“EVERGRANDE”,we have completed over 200 projects.

(5)We have a big step forward in the international artificial landscape history, to approve by & cooperate with the top theme park developer of the world-“Shanghai Disney Resort”& it’s design team from Australia.

Those five typical projects as above mentioned to show HAIHONG is outstanding from the industry.


The quality and brand are the key factors to win the market, so haihong take them as our second life.

(1)HAIHONG has an integrity structure from developing to product packing.(Total 18 departments including R&D, design, modelling, sculpture, coloring, die cut, injection, steel structure, assembling, QC&packing etc..)

(2)Since we have a fully record from the beginning of the production, customers are welcome to check their order’s progress at any time.

(3)50%~80% raw material are imported. We have signed contract & regular meeting w/suppliers to assure the raw material quality.

(4)Our high natural look & durable quality product & completed projects to adapt the severe condition, are five times better than our competitors.


HAIHONG’s market share advantage are partly from the price:

(1)We are a company can handle the whole processes of every project from planning, design, R&D, manufacturing, installation, construction, to after-sale services. So we can save a lot of cost for the customer than they choose more companies to do the same things.

(2)We established at 2004, now we are not only experienced in producing artificial plants, planning and making projects in this field, and also in running a company well. So we know how to control the cost to keep good quality for customer.

(3)We have a good purchase management systerm, raw material bulk purchasing directly from the importer or producer and stock at assigned warehouse. So our raw material cost can be very competitive.

(4)Perfect framework to make the production schedule smooth, efficiency & cost saving.

(5)We build our Hunan factory at year 2013, Hunan’s lower labour cost & cheaper land cost keep our price at a reasonable level & delivery on time.

(6)High quality product means cost saving.


HAIHONG’S brand name & market share are partly from the service, our service not yet ended at the moment of delivery from HAIHONG. We provided 2~3 years follow up after sales service and hot line service to handle & collect customers questions and feedback.

400-88111-96 / 广州总机:020-36739612




